This is my serious proposal for a new Washington State flag. No, not really. This is my proposal for the flag of movement to replace our universally admitted to be bad state flag.
Get it? We’re putting the cart before the horse. I am hilarious.
New Washington State Flags and Why
So far, we Washington State flag dislikers are too interested in getting to the point of replacing the state flag with something cooler (cool, cool, coooool, they’re all so cool) than realizing that replacing the state flag will take some work.
The state flag is an official state symbol determined by and managed by the state, specifically the Office of the Secretary of State.
Why is the Washington State flag terrible? This video does the best job explaining the concepts of flag design and why ours is just bad (a flag is not money). Watch the entire thing, it is pretty entertaining, but I linked to just the Washington State portion.
Process over Proposals
So, here is my serious proposal for a Washington State Flag Commission. Like many good things, I stole it. This proposal is based on a process recently undertaken in Minnesota to replace their reprehensible flag with something not only cooler, but something that falls into line with the rules of flag design (vexillology).
The Washington State Flag Redesign Commission would created by the state legislator, led by the Secretary of State (who overseas state symbols), and include a diverse group of members to ensure broad representation.
The Commission would set goals and create a design brief that outlining the vision and values for the new flag. Public engagement will be a priority, with a statewide design contest, outreach to schools and communities, and opportunities for public input.
After reviewing submissions, the Commission will select finalists and gather additional feedback. The final design will be put to a public vote during a general election, allowing Washingtonians to choose between the new flag and the current one.
Utah had a similar process recently, which culminated in a vote by the legislature. It is worth pointing out here, but a statewide vote seems more in line with how we work in Washington State.
Please..what is wrong with the current flsg??flag???
You just feel it needs updating???
There are more important things to spend the states money on IMO
The present Washington State flag honors George Washington our first President and for whom our state was named. Why would we want to change that? I would prefer we keep our present flag.
I like this serious proposal for creating a flag commission. It offers a stepwise process for assessing who and what for creating a flag that tells a story of our state. It also offers a great lesson plan for teaching history and civics in our schools and community square. Thank you Emmett for helping move the debate into a productive space.
Leave the flag alone. Stop trying to remake or rename, or make words up for existing things.
I like our flag! Do the people of this state – I was born, raised and will probably die here – have a vote in this reprehensive move?
Hey there. Just stumbled on this post today. I designed the first flag you linked. I did an interview with KUOW (NPR affiliate) today about this very subject. It sounds like they will be running a story about it next week. I agree that all the “cool” redesigns are not how to get an official new flag. However, the more alternative designs we get out there the more conversations are sparked and awareness spread about the issue. Mississippi and Utah both had popular redesigns (The Stennis flag, the 125th anniversary flag) that helped spark the final/ official flag redesign process. Since my design and Michael’s (Flags For Good) have been out there for years now sparking convos I agree the time is ripe to do the damn thing. I have had meetings with 3 State Senators thus far who are in support but none of them wanted to spearhead the process. We just need to find that diamond in the rough politician who is willing to take this on! Hit me up anytime to help contribute to the cause.
I’d love to see a flag redesign. As much as people may claim to love the state flag, I have never, not once in my entire life seen someone flying the Washington state flag outside of a school. Not at homes or businesses. I have a lot of Washington pride and would love a bright, simple, and impactful flag to represent us!