This blog is about Olympia. And, I suppose, places around Olympia. But mostly Olympia. This blog has grown since I first started posting to it over 20 years ago. Once it was pock-marked with snark and straight up politicking. But for years now, I’ve taken a slower look at things, and I suppose broader. But I try to bring things home to Olympia.
You can look me up on LinkedIn, but my actual career outside blogging has brought me through different kinds of civic endeavors. Currently, I work in local government communications, centering around elections, document recording and other fascinating things.
I’ve maintained a blog about Olympia since about 2001 or so. This is the latest iteration. There was an earlier one called Olympia Newsboy. You can find those archives here. I also maintained a short-lived local news site called Olympia Today in 2000.
In addition to this blog, my other local project is a podcast called The Olympia Standard. We talk about local politics in a civil manner. It’s super awesome. I used to host it with the immeasurably talented Dani Madrone. She is still immeasurable talented, but has taken her endeavors to the Olympia City Council and other fun stuff.
I’ve also chipped-in on a few larger blog projects. I was a founder over at Western Democrat, a front-page blogger at Washblog and a docent at Olyblog for a time. I also contributed history pieces for a time at Thurston Talk.
Emmett O’Connell
emmettoconnell at gmail dot com