59 votes for Baird, 24 for Crist. Not a blowout, but not an uprising either.
Now, just saying that out of a district with a population of almost 700,000, less than 100 people get to “decide” who the congressional nominee will be for a major party? Hardly the voice of the people here. Just saying.
Well, that’s over.
Here’s some background reading:
Cosmo’s Condo: Throwing Baird Out
Dkos: Brian Baird could lose the Democratic endorsement in Napavine tomorrow
Olyblog: 3rd District (WA) Democratic Nominating Convention – Napavine
OT: Cheryl Crist making a run at Rep. Brian Baird at 3rd CD nominating convention
OT: Letter from Cheryl Crist to PCOs (nominate me, please)
OT: They kicked the PCOs out of the nominating convention/caucus?
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