1. This is Olympia. This is not a Thurston County Thumbs Up production, though it is tourism related.
2. Its fun to read the run-down of the local issues suggested to someone who hasn’t been paying attention trying to write an English paper. But, I would tend to agree with this guy.
3. Andy at Thurston Pundits (a conservative blog, to say the least) writes why he likes George Barner for county commission.
Basically I think he’s coming from an assessment that government at all levels has overstepped its bounds and is now stepping on more people than its helping. While a lot of Democrats are running away from their party to keep their office, I have a degree of certainty that this not a calculated power grab because he’s likely going to be running against the local Democrat machine on this run, and that is a strong machine here in Thurston County.
4. I like taking random drives through the countryside. So, this video by rtpwyk is nice.
5. Given the now dead Olympia Views’ commentary on the Cooper Point Journal (implosion, Kafkaesue, sucks), Seth Vincent’s self eval on his time as CPJ staff adviser us super interesting.
I like that George Barnar sings Louie Louie.