At least not on the blog. Twitter is where I’m letting off steam. But, there are a few things worth mentioning.
1. Chad Akins has surrendered. While he still wishes we could “earn our star,” I think we should earn it not by letting the state off the hook for who they elect and where they spend their official time.
2. The Seattle PI is doing a very bad job with their Olympia Watch (boooo, no link for you), Dominic Holden at the Stranger has had one offense (gets off with a warning), and the Spokesman Review’s Jim Camden is doing a super job. WA Lege is an awesome way to put it. That’s a big difference when Rich Roessler ran their Eye on Olympia blog.
You know, I just realized Slog is tagging all of their state capitol posts as “Olympia.” Now they’re just as bad as the PI.
3. Bully to all the folks on twitter using #waleg. You are my heroes.
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