So as of right now, the Mariners have 23 games left and 15 possible losses before they reach 100 for the season. Which, would be embarrassing.
What is more embarrassing is that from the middle of July until right now I’ve hardly paid attention to the Mariners, which if you’ve met me before this year, is weird.
I used to be the type of person that would come home and turn on the t.v. or radio just to have the Mariners in the background. Before this year, my family and I used to attend at least half a dozen (at the very very least) games a year. This year I went to one, and only because the ticket was free and I was invited.
When I lived in Delaware in the 90s, I would stay up late watching Headline News, waiting for the Mariner’s score. When I moved back to Olympia, I felt immediately blessed that the Mariners were not only on t.v. a lot, but on the radio.
It was a variety of reasons that put me over the edge. Two kids are much harder than one. The Mariners are historically and embarrassingly bad. I want to quit blogging bad. Soccer is also suddenly fun to watch. etc…
I’m here to make amends. So, this I promise: From now until the end of the year, I’m not only going to watch the Mariners as much as I used to, I’m going to blog every game.
For every loss, you’ll get the death march countdown to 100 losses. For every win, you’ll get a memory from Emmett’s Mariners memory bank. For example today, it was the one about staying up late watching cable when I was 17 on the east coast, waiting for the yellow lettering telling me the Mariners were done.
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