Full results here.

There’s a handful of Democratic candidates that are describing themselves at preferring the “Democrat Party,” Which no self-respecting Democrat.”ic candidate would actually do. I think the blame falls on the online form.

But, that doesn’t explain why the two non-Democratic candidates for the open house seat in the 35th LD (just north of here) couldn’t say Republican. Heck, they couldn’t even say G.O.P., which seems to be the popular alternative.

Once, Herb Baze, just said R Party. Yeah, OK.

The other one, Randy Neatherlin, described his preference as “Prefers No Gas Taxes (R) Party.” I guess, “Prefers sunshine and lollypops and everyone being happy and stay off my lawn (R) Party” wouldn’t fit.

Back in Thurston County, there are four candidates for an open PUD seat. The Thurston PUD has a very limited scope, providing utilities to an urbanized, but not incorporated area of Thurston County called Tanglewild. The PUD has had a grander vision, becoming the water supplier of Thurston County, but the cities haven’t liked that idea at all. They also run a handful of other water systems across the South Sound.

Anyway, two guys from Rochester, Lowell Deguise and John R. Blacklaw, and two guys from Olympia, Chris Stearns and Terence Artz, are running. I’m assuming the PUD also runs a water system down in Rochester, so those folks see an interest in having a say.