I don’t know the results, as they kicked us out, and although people said that they were told they were going to take them back to count them, they did in fact get two supporters from each side to help tally the vote. After the tally started, Dwight told the PCOs to leave (I’ve got more video I’m processing) so the tally committee could count the votes. I wish I could have stayed, but now I’m also frantically searching for some indication of the results. . .
I assumed Cosmo or someone else who attended the nominating convention in Napavine would have reported the result by now, but who the hell knows.
If they’re going to kick PCOs out of the caucus before they announce the “nominee” what is the point of having these votes in the first place?
So, who knows if Brian Baird is the nominee of the party? Cheryl might have actually pulled it off.
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