History, politics, people of Oly WA

Cheryl Crist gaining attention in run against Brian Baird

Crist will meet the press on February 27.

Politics is a blood sport chimes in, but takes a shot at her credibility:

Cheryl Crist is a nice person, but will simply get ignored by the Baird campaign. No credible challenger emerged, and that’s too bad, as a healthy debate on the war would have made for an interesting race. It goes to show you that maybe the Donna Edwards primary win over Al Wynn might be an isolated event, even in this wave year.

A growing congressional district deserves a lot more clout, especially when there’s this little $4 billion bridge project to get done.

So indeed, there’s more than just Iraq to challenge Baird on. Too bad there’s no one credible to go after him.

albaum over at DKos points to Cheryl:

Check out Cheryl Crist’s website. This is probably the best opportunity we’ll get to replace a pro-war Democrat with a Peace democrat, so send her $10. Now would be the time to show lots of small donor support.

What I’m thinking right now is that before Baird, this was a district that elected Linda Smith. And, before that Jolene Unsoeld and Don Bonker held the seat. While Unsoeld could be considered fairly liberal, she did have some very strong guns rights beliefs that would put her in
the libertarian wing. And, Don Bonker was Don Bonker, much like Baird is Baird.

I’m just saying, defeating Baird in the primary could end up handing the district over. Not a big deal to some folks, I understand.

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    There is a very viable anti- occupation challenger to Brian Baird who is gaining ground in the 3rd. He has been in every convention, in every Lincoln Day dinner and has been working toward more name recognition since March. He wants to run in the Republican party only because of his traditional conservative, small government and pro-life stance. He is also not for bowing down to the whims and dictates of the unelected bureaucrats in the United Nations and hopes to reform our immigration problem by ending the free rides tax-payers give to the illegals. He has met with Cheryl Crist, so you can ask Ms. Crist about Michael as well.

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