Cool note on the bottom of a press release from my rep Brendan Williams:
The Legislature now features RSS feeds for all bills. Using RSS, people will be able subscribe to bills and track changes using their RSS software readers. As bills move through the Legislature,interested RSS users can get almost instant updates on the status of bills. The feeds can be reached via the bill summary page for any bill, through the Bill Information section of the public website (
Since this is the last thing they mentioned in the release, after mentions of two mobile sites and after the House Dems new blog, you would assume it was the least important. But, I’d say its the most.
RSS feeds on bills allows anyone to track whats going on in the legislature without them having to turn over their email to the state. Makes bill tracking much easier. Not that I’ve tried it yet, but I’ll sign up for a few and see how it goes.
I subscribed to a couple of feeds that I wanted to follow, and I’ve been very impressed so far.
Good job by the techies at the state getting this done!