History, politics, people of Oly WA

Month: January 2008 (Page 1 of 3)

Goldy gone (this is what our media ownership rules look like)

In trying to show that he knows what the hell he’s talking about, Mark Gardner unwittingly uncovers the real story of Goldy being canned by KIRO:

…if he wants to stick with radio, he’ll find another job. It may be in another market. I’ll say it again: Eugene would be a perfect fit. Get some experience, temper the act, learn more about fairness. You can take strong positions, but you must be fair.

Actually, Eugene would be a shitty place for Goldy to find a new job in radio. Want to know why? Same reason he can’t find work in Seattle. Locally-owned radio stations are old hat and chained owned stations don’t hire local talkers.

The two stations in Eugene that have some similarity to KIRO, KUGN 590 and KPNW 1120, have exactly two locally-produced shows between them. That Eugene’s talk local radio scene is exactly two morning shows doesn’t exactly paint a pretty picture for Goldy someday landing a gig down there.

Of course, Mark wasn’t talking about the actual Eugene that exists in today’s media market reality, but rather the fantasy Eugene radio market that would exist with local ownership who cared about the communities they served.

Anyone remember the FCC hearings in Seattle a little while back? Back then, Goldy said this:

Meanwhile, over 251 audience members have already signed up for a two minute speaking slot — if everybody gets their turn we’ll be here for another eight hours! And of the dozens of concerned citizens who have already spoken, only one has argued in support of loosening ownership rules… my colleague and KTTH morning host, David Boze. (Talk about a brown nose. I sure hope that’s not what it takes to get ahead in today’s corporate-owned media, because if it is, I’m screwed.)

It wasn’t his stand on the FCC rules that got him fired, but if the rules had been different, he wouldn’t have been fired. Make sense?

Anyway, I wonder if this means a return of Podcasting Liberally. To be honest, I listened to that a lot more than I listened to his show on KIRO.

And, to make a suggestion like what Mark made above (but hopefully better informed): If Goldy likes to hear the sound of his own voice, then maybe get together with the barons of online media in Seattle, and do some sort of non-Podcasting Liberally podcast thing.

Dog as Partner episode makes me think of Ahern as something else that is a-h related

Rep. Ahern of the far east of the state does his best to make a state house hearing into an uncomfortable Thanksgiving meal. Rich Roesler at the Eye on Olympia blog does a good job summing it up:

Among the critics: Rep. John Ahern, R-Spokane, who drew audible gasps from some in the crowd Tuesday when he asked if the state’s checking up to make sure people aren’t registering their pets as partners. (Couples must file notarized state forms.)

I’m just kind of worried about whether or not there could be some individuals out there scamming the system and that they’re actually claiming a dog as a domestic partner or just a, you know, a figment of their imagination, just whatever,” Ahern told Pedersen. “So do we have a Gestapo situation…”

Here’s the audio of the exchange (Thanks TVW!), if you want to feel the full squirming of the moment yesterday.

There is a break between the first and second portion of the file, where someone else asked a question before Ahern came back with another squirm inducing question about Rep. Pederson’s kid’s last name.

Hey kids (17 year olds), don’t forget to caucus in Washington State on February 9

Just a reminder to all the folks out there googling for the caucuses in Washington State on February 9th, if you are 17 years old now but will be 18 by November 4, you can participate in the Democratic precinct caucuses:

Who can participate in their caucus? All registered voters and those who will be 18 at the time of the presidential election can vote at their caucus. You can register to vote at the caucus location and vote in the caucus. Others who are not registered can participate but can not vote.

Speaking of 17 year olds and the democratic process, there is an interesting bill in the legislature that will allow anyone to vote in a primary election if they’re going to be 18 by the time they next general rolls around.

5 thoughts on the last “great” Husky team in the Seattle Times this week

Have a good week Dawg fans. Do yourself a favor and read the Times’ series cover to cover and think hard.

1. We already new that Stevens and Pharms were this side of evil and that Neuheisel was a snake. But, now we have the details and we know about the King County prosecutors office was helping out.

1a. I’m probably not the first person to draw an analogy between the current discussion on the stadium and this series, but before I actually hear or read it: the foundations of Husky football are shaky in more ways than one.

2. What’s it worth to have a good team if you lose your soul in the process?

3. How hard is it going to be to fire Ty Willingham now? Former mayors offering up $100,000 for his head now seem pretty childish compared to what was going on before Ty showed up. Yes, the team should win, but in a post Don James world, we shouldn’t have to accept rape, robbery and multiple hit and runs to get to the Rose Bowl.

4. Wasn’t ALL Rick’s fault. Lambright was the one that recruited Stevens. But, then again, who knows how he would have handled Stevens, given the chance. Neuheisel was certainly lax.

5. And, I’m thinking — Good God — that maybe some things are worth it if college football has gotten to the point that we have to accept stuff like this to get that far. Neuheisel is back in the conference, so we will have to compete with his lowest common denominator.

KOUW the Conversation using Facebook as a sort of blog for a radio show

A while or so back, the Conversation opened a Facebook account in preparation for a show about how the different generations use media differently. Then it sat there.

Then today, they imported a bunch of new posts into their Facebook account using the note application, seemingly setting up a blog for their friends. This would seem to be a way to generate a nice online conversation in addition to the email and phone traffic they already get.

Here’s a feed to their notes.

And here’s hoping. Apparently, their next show will be on sobriety checkpoints, so if you have an opinion, go over to their account and chime in.

Making to sooo easy to find your caucus on February 9 in Washington State

Democrats do worse than Republicans in caucus site location in Washington State, so says this guy:

OK! We’re in business. And here tis: 46-2228 meets at Wilson Pacific School. That only took three websites and a boatload of errors to pull off.

Nice going on being “user-friendly,” Dems. It’s not like 80% OF THIS TOWN isn’t going to be USING THE WEB to try to find a DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS. I mean, what TRUE BLEEDIN’ HEART LIBERAL would EVER USE THE WEB? I mean, it’s not like they ever blog or use it to do grassroots organization. Heck, the special interest groups that are associated with the party, like pro-choice orgs and environmental groups, THEY DON’T EVEN HAVE WEBSITES!


Hmm. Inaccessible, not standards compliant, and throwing a JavaScript error. Now there’s an attack ad waiting to happen. But let’s see if the GOP can do any better with their search first.

I didn’t have the same problems this guy did, but that said, he’s also more intelligent than most folks that are going to be looking for their caucuses because a) he knew his precinct number and b) he knew what he was looking at and for when he scoured the party websites. That he’s bummed about of web caucus efforts means a lot.

“Emmett Watson selling condos for Paul Allen”

I feel so sad for John Keister, because now even Knute Berger is making fun of him for the Renton thing:

A sure sign that something is going on is the new TV ad from Renton which aired during the Seahawks playoff game last week, featuring former Almost Live! comedian John Keister shilling for the town which, we’re told, is “ahead of the curve.” John Keister selling Renton? What’s next, the ghost of Emmett Watson selling condos for Paul Allen?

The only way for Keister to redeem himself at this point is to go on Seattle Untimely and explain himself.

Well, I had good time at our pre-caucus forum last night

For the second cycle in a row, the Thurston County Democrats is holding pre-caucus forums ahead of the precinct caucuses. This is basically an exercise to get people revved up for the process of writing the county platform, something that had been the domain of a party executive committee picked platform committee and the delegates that bother to come out to the county convention.

When they did this in Seattle, they called it “An experiment in open platform building.” There were a handful of areas that did this two years ago, I’m not sure if anyone else is doing it this year.

We held our first event last night at Olympia High School and will hold additional events in Yelm and Tenino.

I was surprised by the turnout, it seemed like just about 200 folks crammed into the high school commons to listen to David Domke talk about translating our beliefs into values. Domke is an interesting guy to hear, you can watch him here.

Then folks spread out into seven issue areas, crowding around lunch tables to participate in moderated open forums about what they think should be in the next platform. The topics were split by the topic headings of our last platform, so I feel very bad for Harmon Eaton, a great guy, but who moderated the “Foreign and Domestic Policy” table. Lots of people there.

Adam Wilson from the Olympian was there too, he has a report on his blog here.

Tim Eyman cherry-picking IRV?

Instant Runoff Voting is on a roll in Washington. Approved by voters in Pierce County two elections ago, it was defending from watering-down last November. Depending on how things go with the Supreme Court and with Pierce County’s maiden IRV voyage next fall, IRV could be seen as a nice compromise between a closed primary and a non-partisan primary.

Which makes sense that an initiative was filed to enact an IRV system statewide. It probably won’t get on the ballot, but at least one active initiative huckster has taken notice. From email:

I have sponsored an initiative for implementing Instant Runoff Voting. It is in its first form at the moment, at the code reviewer’s office. The present incarnation of the text is posted below. I’ve already been approached by Eyman’s henchmen, but I want to keep this as grass-roots as possible.

Probably the worst thing that could happen to an IRV initiative would be a connection with Tim Eyman. I could see a scenerio in which the initiative would still pass, but attaching Eyman’s name to the campaign would mean that at least one party in the state would fight it tooth and nail.

On the other hand, sans Eyman, I’m pretty sure that party activists that have already shown a liking to IRV could lead the way and build trust. I know of at least two local party platforms that include IRV (Whatcom and Thurston).

In case you’re wondering, here is the description of the initiative:

Concerning an update to the ballot in the electoral process by which state and national representatives are decided. Implementation of instant runoff voting.

In the case of candidacy elections, where and when more than two candidates are running, the electorate shall be provided a ranked ballot. Next to each candidate’s name, there shall be an option of consecutive numerical ranks equal to the number of candidates running, up to and including four positions. The voter may chose to vote for one candidate by selecting only one spot on the ballot concurrent with said candidate’s name. Or, the voter may rank up to four candidates in order of preference. If, as in the current system, one candidate wins a majority of the first-preference votes cast, that candidate is victorious. If there is no candidate with a majority (over 50%) of first-preference votes, an instant runoff will occur. The candidate with the least first-preference votes (or a number of least viable candidates determined by the legislature) will be eliminated, with his/her ballots redistributed to whom they indicate is their second preference candidate. This process will be repeated as necessary until one candidate receives a majority vote.

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