Getting lost along the way of Rossi’s faux campaign, the Washington Idea Bank forgot that it was supposed to be about everyone else’s ideas, not his.

Now that Rossi is gone from the Idea Bank and the Forward Washington, they finally figured out they were supposed to be post people’s ideas on the site, which they did for the first time since early summer a couple of days ago.

But, that’s just about keeping up appearances, still not about your ideas or actually doing anything with them. Gone is the feature where you can actually rate the ideas. They’re just up there as if anyone actually cares. You can still assume that the best ides will “included in a working document that the Foundation will present to the legislature next January,” but I doubt they’ll be the ones that the users of the site actually like.

Speaking of Rossi’s lame idea website, it, like one its main idea guys, loves big government:

Craig from Longview writes:

The state needs to fully fund the Family Caregiver Support Program so seniors & adults with disabilities can be cared for at home by their loved ones and thus aviod being institutionalized, which would cost taxpayers more in the long run.

susan from port angeles writes:

We really have alot of black ice here in washington. I suggest you hire some one to create a small thing that would resemble the green address markers people put on the side of the road to mark their house numbers. The marker would be colored white in wheather above freezing. At zero and below there would be a chemical reaction in the marker and it would turn to a black and white striped marker. It would be zebra for zero. You would place them on corners that often have accident because of black ice. They could be taller than the markers are now so they could be seen in higher snow. It would give people a reminder in the winter when we have the black ice to just be a bit more cautious. Thanks Susan

John from Vancouver writes:

School levies that are voted on by the electorate should require only a simple majority to pass instead of the 2/3 requirement that is often in place. Too often, a majority of residents of a school district support a levy, but the 2/3 threshold is too high to meet, so the levies fail. A simple majority would allow these levies to pass and new schools to be constructed.

Phill from Tacoma writes:

The state should provide free or reduced university tuition for combat veterans returning from conflicts abroad. This would keep these residents from leaving the state and would spur state-wide help economic growth.

Mark writes:

We need a single state “transportation” tzar. An individual appointed by the governor who serves as the CEO of the state’s transportation needs and oversees all the hundreds of committees that are involved in transportation decisions. Each county also has their ‘tzar’ who report directly to the states CEO. The buck starts and stops with the tzar. Bottom line, we need specific accountability for transportation decisions, intiative and action.