UPDATE: Here’s the real 2007 home schedule.

After straight up asking the coach of the Evergreen State College club baseball team what the schedule was for this year and getting no real response, I’ve put together their home schedule on my own.

Coach Kip didn’t even point me to the vague league schedule here (broken down by week, what is up with that?). I found that schedule myself through a google search. After then going to all of the other team’s websites that have away games against Evergreen (here, here and here), I sussed out this schedule:

3/17 WWU Olympia High School Olympia, WA 4:00
3/18 WWU Olympia High School Olympia, WA 12:00
3/18 WWU Olympia High School Olympia, WA 3:00
3/31 Seattle University Olympia High School Olympia, WA 12:00
3/31 Seattle University Olympia High School Olympia, WA 3:00
4/01 Seattle University Olympia High School Olympia, WA 12:00
4/28 Central Oregon CC Olympia High School Olympia, WA 12:00
4/28 Central Oregon CC Olympia High School Olympia, WA 3:00
4/29 Central Oregon CC Olympia High School Olympia, WA 12:00 (?)

I’m not totally sure about some of the times, but this should be somewhat accurate.

The good news is that all of the Geoduck home games will be played at Olympia High School, which is literally around the block from where I live. I should be able to make most of these games.