History, politics, people of Oly WA

My notes from tonight’s reorganization meeting

Here are my notes from the reorganization meeting for the Thurston County Democrats and (surprisingly) the LD 22 Democrats:

Bob McLeod, this is where the political career of Bob McLeod began. Presented the last of his campaign funds to the county party. Anne Hirsh swears in the PCOs.

Usually the chairs and vice chairs of the LD 22 and TCD are the same, since 22 is completely enclosed within Thurston County. This year, though, we elected a separate chair, vice-chair.

Speaking of returning money, Paul Pickett (who won a very close race for PUD)

Agenda is adopted so we’ll handle bylaw stuff next month.

Paul Berendt nominates John Cusick for chair. No other nominations for chair, but Paul still made his nomination speech. Thruston County really is gifted with a fabulous chair in John Cusick. He’s professional, respectful of the grassroots. We’re trying very hard to get people involvd who haven’t been involved before. We want to do a much better job reaching out to the outlying districts. Time is ticking and we’re getting older, and we really need to recruit and train younger people to hold leadership positions in the party.

First Vice Chair. Current first vice chair Debby Pattin nominates Elizabeth Shepard. Elected by acclamation.

2nd Vice Chair. Roger Erskine nominates Jerry Muchmore, who served as campaign services committee chair this last time around. Elected by acclamation.

Secretary. Jeff Holcumb, the current secretary nominates Christine Garst, who was member at large on the executive committee and coordinated the sunshine fund. Elected by acclamation.

Current treasurer Jane Johnson nominates Helen Wheatley, who worked on campaign services. Elected by acclamation.

Debby Pattin nominated for state committeewoman. Elected by acclamation.

Karen Van (Tumwater City Councilmember) nominates Roger Erskin as state committeeman. We really need to make sure the PCOs are connected all the way up to the state committee. We need to be active in those races (in 2007) so we’re building our party up to 2008. Elected by acclamation.

Linda Lombard moved that we approve our $20 dues again for next year. Approved by acclamation.

Approval of the banking institution. Jane Johnson suggests we maintain accounts at the state employees credit union.

Cathy ?? the state committee woman from Mason County (who is running for the 35th) brings up the topic of a possible change in the way the state committee is made up, warning against the possibility of taking away the LD state committee positions. Apparently a move is afoot to by urban state committee people to take positions away from the LDs.

Mike Rechner gets up to thank everyone. I’m not going anywhere, I’m going to be a thorn is someone’s side for the next two years. I’m probably going to go again.

Jeane Marie Christensen, who lost the LD 2 Rep race thanked everyone. The TCD was the single largest contributor to her campaign and she was elected 1st Vice Chair.

22nd LD meeting.

Jim Cooper nominated for LD chair. “He’s young bright and articulate.” Was a veteran, served in the army. Teaching leadership and team dynamics. We make sure the resources are there when people need them, keeping the playing field level for all the LDs in the county. Elected by acclamation.

John Cusick nominates Debby Pattin for 1st Vice chair. Elected by acclamation.

Helen Hunt nominates Russ Olson for secretary/treasurer. Elected by acclamation.

I nominated Hillary Hunt for state committeewoman. Elected by acclamation.

Zach Smith gets nominated for state committeeman. Elected by acclamation. It looks like I’m going to be the senior member of the 22nd LD. We need to get new people involved, we need to get tons of new people involved. This time the West is going to be very important. Elected by acclamation.


  1. Chad Lupkes


    Any committees being organized? King just launched a Rapid Response Committee, and I’m working as the coordinator to get things rolling up here. I’d love to see a network of Rapid Response around the state.

  2. Emmett

    Not last night. I think we’re just transitioning over the same ones we had before. Though we’re covering bylaw changes in January.

  3. Ken Camp

    John talked to me about getting more involved. I might have to find me a committee to get involved with in addition to Forums. When’s the next Forum?

  4. Emmett

    It will likely be Jan. 2, a round robin forum of the LD representatives “pre-session.” Do you want to be our moderator?

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