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This is a job ad, I kid you not (come, be a sniper)

I’d expect this from Soldier of Fortune, not the state’s job site:

WorkSource Job Number: WS151442030
Listed By: United States Army on Jan 27, 2006
Last Modified on: Nov 4, 2006
Closes on: Continuous Recruitment

“You have One Shot, one scoped sight, one compressed controlled breath, one squeeze of a trigger. In twenty one- hundreths of a second, you will either be a “hero” who saved an innocent life or an incompetent who caused the death of a helpless hostage. Life or death, sucess (sic) or failure is only one sensitive squeeze away” …………..Major John Plaster, Sniper Instructor

If you are between 17 and 29 years old and have a US Citizenship call 877-832-6346 or email james.veach@usarec.army.mil

And, just in case they take it down, a screen grab:

Military service is an honorable calling. Service of any kind is, so to focus on the most base and violent aspects of it is troubling to say the least.


  1. Anonymous

    i seen the add listed in the Military Jobs section. What is your problem?? Some jobs in the military deals with guns.

  2. Emmett

    It’s not military employment, its military service. And, most military service (if not directly) deals with guns, or should deal with guns.

    My problem isn’t that the military has guns, but that the job advertisement uses the immature treatment of guns as a way to attract people to the service.

    When did the Army stop being Audie Murphy and George Washington, and start being a Jerry Bruckheimer movie?

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