Groan. I know she was talking about Sharkansky, hell I wouldn’t want to take questions from Sharkansky. Justice Susan Owens should have said something to that effect, that she just didn’t like the person asking the questions. Instead she ended up sounding snobbish and elitist, to say the least.
Uninformed is getting a bit more accurate.
I’m still glad I voted for her, Steven Johnson would be a disaster on the court. She’s still a grade A turd though.
I don’t answer questions from bloggers, and that was apparently the moderator’s only credentials. They didn’t want to get a regular journalist to do it. I have other reasons to, I’m working as a justice and we had a full slate of cases on Tuesday. So I said no — in my view it wasn’t a big deal. I apologize for any inconvenience for anybody. But Sen. Johnson and I have been all over the state, together and alone, even when gas was at its highest price. I had hoped to hit all the counties….
I don’t take questions from bloggers. I just don’t blog and don’t read them. Every forum we’ve been at has been moderated by an attorney or a credentialed journalist, and one by the state president of the League of Women Voters. I personally did not know who this other moderator was. My people might have agreed to that, but when I found out the reality, I said no.
By discounting not only the entire medium, but everyone who isn’t a lawyer or a journalist, she is drawing an arbitrary line. I know Joel Connelly is a nice and smart man, but there isn’t anything about him that makes him any more qualified to ask questions then a few experienced, smart and nice people I know.
At this point, I know I’m reading into it a bit too much, but it seems like she’s almost spitting the word “bloggers” out.
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