Jim Anderson is not only a good blogger, he’s an op-ed writer in the Olympian. I love his point about opportunity:

Which would you choose – commotion or concentration, struggle or success, a job or a career? As a public school teacher, I know which I would choose for my students.

I’d wish for smaller classes – instead of 33 squirrelly kindergartners vying for attention, only 19, the difference between chronic crisis management and meaningful teaching.

I’d wish for improved instruction – programs for students struggling with math, reading and science, the difference between failing and passing.

I’d wish for expanded opportunities – more enrollment slots in our public universities and community colleges, and more financial aid for students, the difference between a hope and a future.

Thanks to recent legislation, this isn’t just a wish list. It’s a reality made possible by the estate tax.

This really is a case where a tax actually creates opportunity for people.

The Olympian often times runs an opposition column (pro and con) on any issue, and up against Jim was Don Brunnell of the AWB. Even though only half of one percent of Washington citizens even have to think about the estate tax, I like the subtle class warfar Brunell uses in his column:

The truly wealthy often avoid the estate tax altogether. They employ sophisticated estate planning experts and techniques to shield their assets. Their investment portfolios provide liquidity, allowing them to establish residency outside Washington and avoid the tax. In contrast, the value of a family business is in buildings, equipment and operations tied to a specific location. They can’t move to avoid the tax unless they sell or close up shop, neither of which is good for customers, employees or the community.

Yes, very complicated things like selling the company to your kids if they want to take it over.

The proponents initiative take pot shots at the Gates family, who are in favor of the estate tax, implying that they’re so damn rich that they can find secret ways out of paying the estate tax. Of course Bill Gates’ secret way out is that he’s giving most of his money away. Sort of like an estate tax.