Mr. Ballard of Vashon/ King County reminded me of something here, that we should double check to see if our favorite local blogs are on Lefty Blogs. I’ll admit, I’m lazy, and even though I use the Thunderbird reader at home, I check Lefty Blogs instead of updating all of the blogs on the reader.
It is just easier, and I’m assuming most folks who want to plug into the local Washington/Puget blog scene will use it as well instead of setting up blog subscriptions on a reader.
To that end, I noticed that The (liberal) Girl Next Door wasn’t listed at the blog roll at LB, so I added it. Anyone else we’re missing?
Also, SLOG is one of the best blogs, do you think it qualifies?
UPDATE: Oh yeah, and Sightline’s Daily Score. The old Cascade Scorecard is there, but no one ever added the new Daily Score.
Hey guys — Kari Chisholm here (from LeftyBlogs). Just go ahead and submit any new blogs to the system — and I’ll be sure to approve ’em over the weekend. You don’t have to be the blog owner to submit ’em. Thanks!