Notes from the Chambers Lake Association meeting on December 6. It took me awhile to get these up, but hey, they’re just notes:
What is the smell north of Morse-Merriman and Boulevard? It’s holding tanks for a “step system” type sewage system that holds septic effluent until it is pumped out. Those tanks breath.
13 folks where there.
The main purpose of the group, according to Keith Johnson, are habitat preservation (maybe restoration) and roads. More directly they are flooding, ground water contamination, surface water contamination and traffic.
Most folks live off of Wiggins Road, immediately around the lake(s), southeast side, which would make sense since that is where the developments are. What does 3,500 square feet translate into acres? Less than a tenth of an acre it turns out.
They’re putting together a new members’ handout so people can get up to speed, which is a good idea.
What is the Chambers Lake Diversion? The LOTT has planned for some infrastructure development in the the basin.
Lou attended the Neighborhoods Presidents’ Coalition meeting. Whatever happened to those guys? I remember Jeff Jasich getting that together back in the 90s, seemed to be an important group in city-wide issues.
Should people that want to give public testimony to the Olympia city council clear their testimony with the group?
Get some GIS data on the basin. What sort of data is there in terms of habitat info for the Chambers Drainage?
How to we get Chambers Ditch changed to North Fork Chambers Creek?
Next meeting: Thursday, January 12, 6:30-8:30, Grace Community, Room J.
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