For the last few days I’ve been seeing a new splash page on, and it seems like that about this time Monday, I’ll know what the brand new DNC website is all about:
In case you haven’t noticed, there’s been a special splash page on for the past few days. Tonight we’re working on re-launching so that we can bring you a better and more powerful website that’s built entirely around the Democratic community.
So sit tight, and when you wake up in the morning, come right back here and see the new website built with you in mind.
You want to know what I want Santa “New DNC Website” to bring me? A tool, like, for Democrats to organize online and meet offline. But, I bet you already knew that.
Hopefully, the new website won’t be a prettier version of what is already up there, which is a pretty shallow and pretty useless for the typical Democrat. Sites like, and have done a lot more than
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