Comment I left on leftinthewest on his post on Eastern Washington becoming another state:

Dude, I was in like Disneyland until yesterday. That is my excuse. 😉

This Eastern Washington bitterness comes up every few years, mostly when we do something to piss them off. This time is was Gregoire beating “Eastsider” Rossi. No one has had the heart to tell them that Rossi was from the East side of Lake Washington, not the Cascades.

Because this happens regularly, and goes nowhere, I always think of it as a immature act on behalf of Eastern Wash. Republicans to show how mean we’ve been.

The best part of this last time was the support of serious Seattle liberal Adam Kline. If you want to find a true “Seattle Liberal” that any self respecting Yakima conservative bubba would just hate, you would have to go see Sen. Kline.

He supports the split because he knows that the Puget Sound basically carries Eastern Washington on our back. So, screw ‘em. If they don’t want to be part of this deal, let them be the Alabama of the West.

“This would a wonderful benefit to Western Washington,” Kline said. “Why should the western half continue to subsidize the east? We could use that money right here for job creation, education and health care.”