Just got back from Disneyland a couple of days ago. It was my first trip there, and I would never have guessed that what was most interesting for me was watching birds.

The most common species were mallards and what I think were smaller house sparrows. Mallards especially used every piece of Dinseyland, the most amazing site was a pair nestled up in the “Storyland” attraction, towering over pint-sized Fairy Tale scenes like moster ducks. Most of the mallards were in the “Rivers of America” area, along with a fair share of coots and one very distinctive wood duck.

After I started taking note of the birds I was surprised that I didn’t see any pigeons. I was under the impression that any major urban area would have its share of “rock doves,” but not Disneyland.

You would have to keep your head up into the trees, but there were also tons of crows flying around. They never made it onto the ground or even near it for some reason, but every so often I would see a flight of crows.