Good times in PA talking to the state chair candidates.
A couple good quotes:
Paul continued with a response to a criticism of his office of sending money to the wrong candidates (I must assume he was speaking to the choice of Dave Ross over Alex Alben in the 8th CD; Ross eventually lost to Republican Dave Reichert). He defused the criticism by pointing out that WA is one of the few state organizations that send money to candidates.
Uhmmm, ok. Sort of sounds like skirting the issue. It wasn’t much of a sending money kind of thing, more like a he got Dave Ross into the race in the first place.
Bill said the current focus of the state party has allowed Republicans to build “red walls” in the rural areas that surround Democrat’s “blue towers” in the cities.
Good point. Washington has skated along for the past 20 years on the knowledge that Pierce, King and Snohomish will always bring home the bacon, adding in a few smaller counties and you have a landslide. But, Gregoire failed to get Pierce and Snohomish this time around, it seems like we got a little complacent and talked a little bit too much to our base.
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